
CategoriesEvents News

Turkish Atlantic Council at The NATO Public Forum

The NATO Public Forum in Washington D.C., USA, underscored the alliance’s steadfast dedication to collective defense, global security, and strategic…

CategoriesArticles Events

Turkish Atlantic Council Attended the Reception Organised by the Atlantic Treaty Association and The Fund for American Studies (TFAS)

The reception, convened by the Atlantic Treaty Association and The Fund for American Studies (TFAS), was attended by M. Veysel…


YATA Türkiye participated in the 4th Maritime Security Conference organised by the Maritime Security Centre of Excellence (MARSEC COE)

The 4th Maritime Security Conference, organized by the Maritime Security Centre of Excellence (MARSEC COE), took place on June 27-28,…


Visit of the Turkish Atlantic Council to the Embassy of Ukraine

As the Turkish Atlantic Council, we visited Ukraine’s Ambassador to Turkey Vasyl Bodnar and exchanged views on Turkey’s fight against…


YATA Türkiye Participated in NorSec 2024

From the 5th to the 7th of April, NorSec 2024 was promoted by YATA Norway in Oslo. Our Executive Vice…


YATA Türkiye participated in Munich Security Conference

The President of YATA Türkiye, Mustafa Eracar, was accompanied by Çağlanaz Kundakçı, Vice President for Communications, and Harun Raşit Yarar,…


TASC 24 Was Held From January 31st to February 2nd

The pioneering Turkish Atlantic Security Conferences Summit, held from January 31st to February 2nd, 2024, marked a significant milestone in…


ATA Turkey